Meet the experts dedicated to protecting Maine’s homes, land, and future with top-quality roofing and solar solutions.






Master Electrician


Project Coordinator





Our Mission

To provide environmentally responsible, top-quality solar and roofing installations that protect the buildings, land, and people of Maine.

A Letter From The Owner

Written by: Troy Hull, Owner & Founder of Aurora Roofing & Solar

I love Maine. The forests, the mountains, the rivers and lakes, the people; these are the reasons I chose to live here. After graduating from Vassar College in 2002, I decided to spend some time painting houses on my own and enjoying life in Western Maine. 

That “some time” turned into 23 years and counting.  And although I was painting houses, I always envisioned doing something more geared towards sustainability. 

In 2009 we incorporated as Aurora Contracting. “Aurora” came from the phenomenon of the Aurora Borealis, or Northern Lights, alluding to a respect for the beauty of nature, and Aurora is the latin word for “dawn” which I liked because it hinted at hope and a new beginning. Also, “Dawn” was my mother’s name.  

As Aurora developed a reputation for excellent work in the roofing and painting trades and light general contracting, I remained passionate about building a solar side of the business. When we finally made the jump to solar and rebranded as Aurora Roofing & Solar, the two trades fit together like hand and glove, since solar is usually mounted on rooftops. The solar industry was taking off and we were in a position to offer a special combination of roof and solar installations. 

Unfortunately, anything that is profitable can develop a dark side. Solar farms started creeping up all over Maine, taking over beautiful and irreplaceable farm land.  Even forested areas have been cleared in order for out of state investors to profit, while fencing off thousands of acres from wildlife. Contracts are loaded with fine print and savings tend to be minimal.  People are getting angry for good reasons. To me this is a solution gone bad; it’s irresponsible solar, and we will never be involved with large solar farms.  

Our pledge at Aurora Roofing & Solar is to do solar responsibly. We believe solar should be installed on roofs and smaller “back yard” ground mounted arrays. Our contracts are transparent and not loaded with fine print, and every solar or roof installation is done with care that comes from being part of the Maine community.  We are a family and community based business, and we intend to stay that way for decades to come. 

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