If a cash purchase of your project is not in the cards, you can finance the purchase through your bank or utilize our partnerships with Hearth and Sungage Financial for personal roof and solar loans, or Watthub for commercial and nonprofit solar loans.

• 30 second soft credit pre-qualification
• Loans up to $250,000
•Rates as low as 4.99%
• Up to 12 year terms

• 30 second soft credit pre-qualification
• Loans up to $150,000
• Rates as low as 2.99%
• Up to 25 year terms

Financing for commercial and non-profit projects starting at $50,000.
Financing rates and terms vary.
Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs):
A Power Purchase Agreemenr is a contract with a third party that owns the solar system and you purchase the power it produces at a discounted rate over a 20-25 year term. This comes with a set annual price escalation that is less that the historical average escalation of the utility.
In a PPA, the third party owner typically guarantees at least 90% production and handles any maintenance for the duration of the contract. You can also purchase the system after 5 years at fair market value.

• 25 year contracts with 5 year buyout option at fair market value
• 90% productio guarantee
• 2.9% fixed annual rate escalation.

Offers larger commercial and non-profit Power Purchase Agreements.
Typically 20 year transferable contracts with 5 year buyout option.
In a PPA, the third party owner typically guarantees at least 90% production and handles any maintenance for the duration of the contract. You can also purchase the system after 5 years at fair market value.